DOB: 12/25/2015
ADGA# D1768237
DOB: 12/25/2015
ADGA# D1768237
Despite not usually being the biggest fan of extreme moonspots, I've admired this girl since her arrival at K-N-S Farm as a yearling and made a few comments over years that if they ever wanted to part with her, to send her my way. In the summer of 2019, I finally got that chance and picked up "Oddball" in September. She's had a couple years of breeding difficulties so this will only be her second set of kids but hopefully we can look forward to many more years of kids.
Oddity is a bit of a quirky girl and has become one of my very favorites. She can be very hit or miss about wanting to greet people, but when she wants attention, she will let you know! Oddity likes to rub her head (sometimes hard!) against people's legs when she wants to be scratched but if she's not requesting attention, she would rather be ignored.
Oddity is a bit of a quirky girl and has become one of my very favorites. She can be very hit or miss about wanting to greet people, but when she wants attention, she will let you know! Oddity likes to rub her head (sometimes hard!) against people's legs when she wants to be scratched but if she's not requesting attention, she would rather be ignored.
12/15/2016 - buck/doe twins by SG Dill's TS Banjo +*B
2018- miscarriage
2019 - didn't settle
January 2020 - Twin bucks by KNS Farm Apollo
2021 - didn't settle
2022 - miscarriage
December 25, 2022 - Buck/doe twins by KNS Farm Chaos. (Doeling, Noelle, retained)
January 2024 - Buck/doe twins by Rural Space St. Nicholas (Doeling, Rissa, retained)
Pics courtesy of K-N-S Farm